Irfan Khan (7 Jan 1967 - 29 April 2020) - In His Own Words

India lost one of it's most talented, unassuming and versatile actors yesterday - Irfan Khan who at just 53 succumbed to cancer. I was going to write a tribute to Irfan, but then I came across this touching note that Irfan penned from London a couple of years' ago after he was first diagnosed with cancer. So I thought I'd share this instead. It is a raw yet beautiful display of courage, dignity, humility and acceptance of the cards that life dealt him. A very moving post providing some real food for thought. Rest in Peace Irfan Khan and thank you for the wonderful cinematic memories you have left us with. 'It’s been quite some time now since I have been diagnosed with a high-grade neuroendocrine cancer. This new name in my vocabulary, I got to know, was rare, and due to fewer study cases, and less information comparatively, the unpredictability of the treatment was more. I was part of a trial-and-error game. I had been in a different game, I was travelling ...