The slow road back to blog world

Today owing to the gentle persuasion of my friend Charmaine Vessoaker D'lima, I've decided to re-visit my long lost diary of sorts.

I started MYOPIC VISION in 2006, at the tail end of my 20's, when I was  full of enthusiasm and so cock-sure of myself.

I  managed to successfully keep the momentum going on MYOPIC VISION for the whole year and then some. Somehow by 2011 or so I appear to have hit the pause button and it's stayed that way until today.

I wish I had a plausible excuse for not keeping regular posts. The unholy union of procrastination and a sheer lack of enthusiasm are to blame.

But thanks to recent FB posts, I'm being encouraged to write more. I'm too lazy to create a new evolved and professional looking blog, so I'm just going to stick with the one I have.

I shudder to think of my what my views were back in the formative years of this blog - but I won't be taking them down. They are what they are - the true maundering of a very self-assured young woman. I certainly didn't know it all - life still had plenty of lessons in store for me, but, I don't think I had quite developed the sensibility to truly appreciate that. I mean, who in their 20's doesn't think they know it all?

I'd like to think that the passage of time and some maturity will have me writing a bit more sensibly. But I simply cannot promise to put out material worthy of reading. Some of my ramblings as I like to call it, may have absolutely no appeal whatsoever to anyone. But remember this blog is is called MYOPIC VISION and it's really not intended to garner a fan base or have mass appeal. It's simply my diary of sorts.

I shall endeavour to write here when I can and when I'm inspired to do so. I made a promise To TRY. So I owe it to myself and my friend to at least make an effort.


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