
Showing posts from July, 2009

Timely coincidence for a reluctant patient

I'm a reluctant patient. I only ever go to the doctor when I'm in dire need. But recently in an effort to avoid a potential risk to my EAR (I have in the past almost damaged my ear drum with a cold) I took my self over to see the GP. A quick check of the mildly inflamed ear and a couple of other checks later and I was pointed in the direction of some blood tests. Apparently my heart was racing wildly. This was abnormal because neither George Clooney nor Brad Pitt was in the vicinity. It turns out that I have an HYPERACTIVE THYROID which is impacting on my heart and causing it to beat a lot faster than normal. But the good news is that this is a completely manageable condition and I've been put on some thyroid medication and another set of magic pills to help my heat rate slow down. I guess it was a timely coincidence that let me to the doctors. Now that I'm on my HAPPY PILLS.......I'm behaving loonier than ever. AND MY POOR EAR.......well that's been complete...