
Showing posts from May, 2007

Vanity Fair

I was at a first Holy Communion party yesterday. It was a fun party, the music was good, the hosts were gracious, the food was superb and the guests seem to be enjoying themselves. Yet despite the company and the social niceties around me, I found myself bored silly. And I came to the horrifying conclusion, that somewhere, over the course of the last few years; I have turned into a social snob. I don’t consider myself to be anything special, nor do I for a moment imagine that I am better than anyone. In fact, I’ll gladly attest to the fact that there are scores of Indians whom I’ve met that are far more talented, skilled, educated, socially and financially better off than I. So just what is my problem? Why, I ask myself, can I comfortably make friends with a Swedish girl in Edinburgh, but find myself so prickly in social gathering of Indians – people of my own community. I am not ashamed of my Indian ness. Both my parents and my best friend still live in India. And I’ve had the good fo...

Sunny Side Up

Today seems to be yet another remarkably glorious day. It's warm, sunny just like the past couple of weeks have been. The garden is a riot of colour, the roses are in full bloom, as are the spring bulbs. You could say, the weather has been perfect. The only problem is, it's the middle of May. Technically it's the end of Autumn here in the southern hemisphere and the weather should be dully, grey, wet and miserable. But strangely it isn't. It feels more like spring. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the warm weather, but I can't help wondering if the weather ladies have got their wires crossed or realistically if this is yet another tell tale sign of global warming. Global warming is being discussed all over the world. Perhaps it is time to take stock and pay closer attention to what needs to be done to minimise it's effects. Because the truth is, the future consequences of these strange weather patterns will be devastating and surely that is cause fo...