Mark and Lady X, Y or Z

Somewhere between moving countries, getting a job and my life sorted, I lost touch with the family news doing the rounds. When I finally read my emails there was a flurry of excitement and even a blog entry on my cousin Mark.

Mark who is in his early forties, still good looking and quite charming in his own way has a new girlfriend. While he hasn't exactly made any announcement about this latest development in his life, the family grapevine has ensured that the news has been suitably spread via email and of course a blog entry.

Mark is the eldest of my cousins and was the first in our generation to get married. 12 years of marriage and an expensive divorce later, it seemed like he would not be in a hurry to get back into the dating scene. We all love Mark dearly and this happy news has naturally caused a fair dose of delight. I don't know what his ladyfriend is called, but I hear that she seems nice and makes him happy and that's really all that counts. I think Mark is incredibly brave and he deserves every bit of happiness that comes his way.

As for guarding his privacy, he should know by now that there's no such thing as privacy when you are part of the family.


Anonymous said…
Whose blog entry are you talking about?
Kim said…
The blog entry that was before mine of course.

I miss you Kirky, but I love your blog. I've added it to my list of favourites,

Hear Sasha has a blog. Tell her to send me the link
bye ..and you...Weirdo
kimellejames said…
hi i read your blog items .It is great.You write very is fascinating to see you do all this
Anonymous said…
hi kim u write very well
kimellejames said…
hi kim u write very well
Anonymous said…
hi kime u write very well

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