Patricia, this time you really BLEWIT!
I was appalled to hear Patricia Hewitt describe the NHS as having 'its best year ever'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ever since I've been here all I've read about is how poor the state of the NHS is. I've read that nurses are being made redundant in their thousands, debts are escalating out of control and that many hospitals have to close some of their wards. Now if this is her description of a healthy NHS, then I shudder to think of what the 'bad years' will look like. I can only come up with 4 possible reasons for her comments. She is living on another planet. (I'm sure a lot of people wish she would leave the UK and move there permanently) She is being ill advised by her department. However, I find this a bit far-fetched as we live in an age of awareness, where information is readily available. She is attempting to camouflage the real issues, which she knows are not just disastrous, but have arisen because of her ill-planned policies. She knows, s...