Patricia, this time you really BLEWIT!

I was appalled to hear Patricia Hewitt describe the NHS as having 'its best year ever'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ever since I've been here all I've read about is how poor the state of the NHS is. I've read that nurses are being made redundant in their thousands, debts are escalating out of control and that many hospitals have to close some of their wards. Now if this is her description of a healthy NHS, then I shudder to think of what the 'bad years' will look like.

I can only come up with 4 possible reasons for her comments.

She is living on another planet. (I'm sure a lot of people wish she would leave the UK and move there permanently)

She is being ill advised by her department. However, I find this a bit far-fetched as we live in an age of awareness, where information is readily available.

She is attempting to camouflage the real issues, which she knows are not just disastrous, but have arisen because of her ill-planned policies.

She knows, she is aware and just does not care. Very scary if this is the case.

Whatever her reasons, she has to realise that the public does not comprise a bunch of ignorant idiots. There ought to be some accountability as to why things are so horribly wrong. The amount spent on the NHS did not come from Patricia Hewitt’s personal bank. If it did, I'm sure she'd be more vigilant with the way it was spent. This money is the millions that comes from hard earned tax payers' wages. And because of that, they are entitled to know how it is spent and they also have a right to a health system that works.

One has to ask what has happened to all the billions that the government pumped into the NHS for the purpose of improvement. There is sadly no evidence of any supposed improvement. The reality is that, there exist a culture of immense waste, particularly by those who are meant to be steering to safety the 'sinking ship' that is the NHS.

Overspending on NHS salaries, given to top management is estimated to be about £650 million. I'm sure that £600 million is about the current debt figure. So it just goes to show where the debt stems from. I'm all for people being entitled to a decent wage, but hefty wages should be matched by good performance. And that does not seem to be the case here.

Hospitals do not exist to make money. For that, we have banks, businesses and industries. The core function of hospitals is to save lives and to provide good care to their patients. Nurses do this on a daily basis. They are at the frontline of all the action and absolutely critical to the existence of a hospital. Without them, hospitals might as well cease to exist.

There is not doubt that every organisation needs to have staff to run their day to day administration. But those, that are running the administration wheel, need to ensure that they have measures in place, for things to run smoothly. It is all about GOOD GOVERNANCE. Good Governance is about managing budgets, setting performance targets, undertaking reviews, identifying potential risks and issues, management of tasks and problem solving. In short, it is all about COMMON SENSE, something that very is clearly lacking in this Government.

I don't agree with the direction she wants the NHS to head towards. Privatisation will only escalate the quest for profit and lead to hospitals cherry picking their profitable patients. What happens to the bulk of people who cannot afford the costs of privatisation? If a Government cannot look after the health of its people then it has no reason being in power.

Judging by the way in which it has conducted itself over a number of serious and important issues, it has become quite apparent, that it is just a matter of time, before the sun sets on this Government. The question is really, how long it will take to clean up the mess once they are gone? And sadly, there are no guesses as to who will pay the price.


Anonymous said…
To perhaps add to the gloom , the NHS would be left in such a lamentable mess that any other future govement may not want or easily be able to put it back on its feet again. Which may mean end of NHS as we know it and that indeed would be a sad day. A free healthcare created by a goverment FOR the patients, destroyed by the goverment(s)in the NAME of the patients.

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