Welcome to my World

Hi Everyone

Welcome to my world...I'm Kim Valladares - a lovable but very dippy bird, a bit of a dreamer, a sparkling gypsy and all round eccentric really.

For a long time now I've been secretly intrigued by this whole world of blogging. After having read my cousin Mark's blog, I've been toying with the idea of dabbling in this whole blog scene. I think it's a case of the old adage "tired of looking in from the outside and wanting to be on the inside". Well, you get my drift don't you?

The idea that someone may chance upon my blog and attempt to read the ramblings of a lunatic like myself is not just inconceivable, but also vaguely amusing. However, I'm told that stranger things do exist. so I'll just have to wait and watch....and of course ramble on.


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